Dr. Peter Lillback, founder/director of ProvidenceForum.org, and Jerry Newcombe co-wrote the best-seller, “George Washington’s Sacred Fire.” (2006).
Here are a series of their discussions on the faith of the founders, including Washington (listed as GW).
- Christianity and the Continental Congress (1774)
- The Continental Congress opened in prayer
- Forgetting our American heritage
- Political Correctness at GW’s own church (Christ Episcopal Church, Alexandria)
- GW and the importance of “religion and morality”
- GW and his Farewell Address
- GW’s proclamation of a day of Thanksgiving (October 3, 1789)
- GW and “the Rules Heaven Has Ordained”
- GW and his First Inaugural Address
- GW and the need to nationally imitate Jesus Christ
- GW and his family life
- GW was a Mason. Does that mean he was not a Christian? GW and the Masons
- GW owned slaves. Does that mean he was not a Christian? GW and slavery
- GW and the recent tearing down of statues
- GW and Church and State Relations
- GW and Religious Tolerance
- GW and the Bible
- GW and Deism
- Was GW a Christian and does it matter?
- GW and the American Victory in the War for Independence
- GW and the Chaplaincy
- GW and Communion. Some argue he avoided it because he supposedly wasn’t a Christian
- GW the Churchman
- GW and his Names for God
- An overview of Objections to the thesis that GW was a Christian
- Was GW a Christian and why does it matter?
- Introductory remarks on GW’s Religion
- The faith and actions of the Muhlenberg Brothers
- The faith and actions of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania
- The founders and the First Amendment
- The founding fathers and the Bible (mentions Aitken Bible)
- The Significance of the Reformation to the founding of America
- The Two Kingdoms view and its impact on history
- Doesn’t the Treaty of Tripoli prove America was never a Christian nation?
- Were the founding fathers Deists and Men of the Enlightenment and what does that mean?
- The founders and morality in the public square
- The battle over American history and why it matters
- Was the Bible important to the founders? They knew it “down to their fingertips” (to quote Dr. Donald Lutz)
- Christians and public service. Some secularists today imply that faithful (conservative) Christians need not apply to serve in office
- The Bible and Education (particularly in colonial America)
- How Important were sermons in early America?
- The Founders and the media
- The Liberty Bell, Part 1
- The Liberty Bell, Part 2
- The Liberty Tree
- The founders and morality in the public square
- The Battle Over American History
- Religion and Public Service
- Religion and the Declaration of Independence
- Christianity and the Constitution
- America’s Christian Heritage