Vocal Point-Dr. Peter Lillback
Topic: America’s Christian roots
When the first Continental Congress met in September 1774, the very first question before they opened the official proceedings: Should they or should they not open in prayer? They most certainly opened in prayer in a big way, and the guest minister read from the Lectionary readings for that day—a perfect selection (in the providence of God): Psalm 35, a psalm of persecution. The British were beginning to bomb homes in Boston. Dr. Peter Lillback is Jerry Newcombe’s guest in this discussion. Dr. Peter Lillback is the president of Providence Forum, a group dedicated to rediscovering our nation’s rich Christian heritage. Together with Jerry Newcombe, Dr. Lillback wrote a book that became a bestseller on the faith of our nation’s found father, George Washington’s Sacred Fire. The two authors put together 26 podcasts on the faith of George Washington from virtually every angle. Now they continue with a new series of podcasts (the “Lillback/Newcombe Conversations”) on the faith of our founding fathers. Here is a discussion on how the first Congress opened in prayer (and Congress has been praying ever since). www.providenceforum.org