April 27, 2024

Government-a Fearful Master

On Truths that Transform, the nationally syndicated television program hosted by Dr. Frank Wright and produced by D. James Kennedy Ministries:

Under President Obama, the government launched an unprecedented effort to control one-sixth of the nation’s economy. Passed without bipartisan support, virtually everyone now admits that Obamacare has been an unmitigated disaster.

Disability advocate Joni Eareckson Tada weighs in on the Affordable Care Act and the concerns of those most vulnerable to medical rationing.  Dr. Kennedy warns, “Whether it is the Ceasars of Rome or the modern governments of Nazi Germany or the Communist tyrannies of our present day, all is the same — it is government that has been the principal antagonist against  God and His church.”

Then, Jerry Newcombe uncovers some of the disastrous aspects of Obamacare. When we look for government to provide for our needs, we end up forfeiting our freedom—and usually don’t get what we were promised anyway. That’s certainly the case with the catastrophic Obamacare health care law.
