May 5, 2024

Vocal Point-Alan Whanger

A new novel out is called “The Shroud Conspiracy” by John Heubusch. The Shroud of Turin is THE most studied ancient religious artifact in the history of the world. Several of the experiments conducted on the Shroud involve technologies that have only been invented in the last 2 generations or so. Virtually all the experiments point to its authenticity as the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, except the 1988 carbon dating, which pointed to a date in the Middle Ages. Before the announcements were made from the carbon dating, Dr. Alan Whanger, now retired professor from Duke Medical School, and ardent scientist studying the Shroud, warned that the results were going to turn out bad because they had a sample (divided into 3) from a rewoven part of the Shroud. Dr. Alan Whanger joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the Shroud of Turin.