May 13, 2024

Bill Federer-Why America Is Unique

Bill Federer is a best-selling author and speaker on America’s Christian roots and other subject. His latest book is WHO IS THE KING IN AMERICA? The subtitle of that book includes the phrase “Why America Is Unique.” On Saturday, July 8 in the year of our Lord 2017, Bill Federer spoke on this at New Presbyterian Church, Wilton Manors, Florida. Here is a video made of that enlightening talk—courtesy of Tim Savage, who attended. Savage was so blown away, he wrote:  “Folks, This was a stunning, fact filled presentation that opened my eyes to many things.

“Why is America here?  What role does each of us play?  What role should we play?  Does America have a biblical form of government?  What happened from the beginning of civilization until now?  What is happening now?  Should we care?

“Enjoy and please take the time to listen.  You won’t regret it.​” He described the video this way: “America’s Christian Roots by Author and Speaker, Bill Federer, Intro by Dr. Jerry Newcombe 7/8/17.”