May 7, 2024

PROFIT$ OF HATE: The Southern Poverty Law Center

Profit$ of Hate: The Southern Poverty Law Center Special.

Here’s what D. James Kennedy Ministries writes about a new television special I had the privilege of co-producing:

“Once a group dedicated to fighting actual hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center has now turned to slandering and demonizing Christian and conservative organizations, labeling them ‘hate groups.’ These groups are placed in the same category as the KKK on the SLPC’s ‘hate map’ for merely upholding traditional standards of marriage and sexual morality.

“The SPLC has enlisted in the culture wars on the side of the radical Left, and raised a huge amount of money from misled followers in doing so. Their false designations and demonization of Christians and conservatives has even led to violence.

“This special program exposes the fraudulent and dangerous work of the Southern  Poverty Law Center.