May 4, 2024

Vocal Point-Gordon Dieterle

Conservatives have long bemoaned the problem of “judicial activism”—where judges legislate from the bench, rather than adjudicate. It would be as if referees at the baseball games were to go out on the field and actually play ball. Judicial activism brought us Dred Scot—which helped spark the Civil War, the removal of prayer in the public schools, abortion on demand, taking down the Ten Commandments in public places, same-sex marriage, and so on. President Lincoln, who eschewed judicial tyranny, said, “if the policy of the Government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court…the people will have ceased to be their own rulers.” Attorney Gordon Dieterle is a member of the judicial nominating commission for Palm Beach County. Gordon Dieterle joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss judicial tyranny.