May 3, 2024

Vocal Point-Peter Sprigg

California appears poised to adopt a law that could prevent churches and ministries from helping those struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions. In 2012, they passed a law prohibiting licensed counselors from helping frustrated homosexuals who want to change. Now, this new law, AB2943 (if passed and signed into law), would force a “conversion ban.” No one, even in churches, would be allowed to help those who want to change out of homosexuality. Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, wrote an article on this, entitled, “California’s ‘Must Stay Gay’ Bill Would Cause Severe Harm,” in which he states: “The bill itself, dubbed by some as the ‘Must Stay Gay’ bill, is a perfect storm of leftist political correctness that attacks free speech and freedom of religion while institutionalizing the sexual revolution.” Peter Sprigg joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this bill, and why it could cause so much harm.

Update (9/4/18): for now, the bill has been put on hold, thankfully.