May 1, 2024

Vocal Point-Jeff Walyus

On the one hand, we hear repeatedly of “the blue wave” coming in the midterm elections. On the other hand, a new article by a DC-area Tea Party group, claims that many people are leaving the Democrat Party or that they feel that the Democrat Party left them. Writing an article for, Jeff Walyus penned, “Democrats Are Leaving Their Party in Droves. Conservatives Should Pay Attention.” Walyus is described as being a writer for Potomac Tea Party’s Walk Away Project. He notes, “Make no mistake, the left has been greatly rattled by all this. The left’s treatment of the #WalkAway Campaign mirrors the way it reacted to the Tea Party movement. First, it ignored it, hoping it would go away. Then it moved on to minimizing and attempting ridicule, which it has done with #WalkAway. Steven Colbert and others claimed that the #WalkAway Campaign is just run by Russian bots.” Jeff Walyus joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this recent phenomenon.