April 30, 2024

Vocal Point-Dr. Gregg Jantz

Tragically, we have seen the rise of violent massacres in recent times, such as in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, and in Dayton, Ohio. Christian psychologist and author, Dr. Gregory Jantz notes, “A person who has turned to violence oftentimes has had some very, very significant trauma in their life.” Jantz was quoted in an article in the stream that the trigger point for these shooters is “when they feel a sense of betrayal, a sense of rejection and hurt. And so that moves them over to being a person then that engages in retaliation.” Dr. Gregg Jantz, author of Healing Depression for Life, joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss the psychological makeup of these killers. www.aplaceofhope.com    www.drgregoryjantz.com