May 1, 2024

Vocal Point-Art Lindsley, Ph.D.

How does the Christian, who believes that truth is absolute, not relative, communicate that in a world that buys into complete relativism? Here is a classic example from when Phil Donohue was on MSNBC with a show: Phil Donahue to Al Mohler, Jr.: “If you suggest that you’re going to heaven and I’m not, you’re going to feel better than me.  You’re up here and I’m down here, and this is the beginning of the Crusades.” Dr. Art Lindsley is the author of TRUE TRUTH (an IVP book), and he works for the Institute on Faith, Works & Economics. We had him on before explaining the vast difference between approaches to truth—as relative or as absolute. That discussion was an introduction to the overall topic. On this portion of Vocal Point, Dr. Art Lindsley rejoins Jerry Newcombe to provide practical suggestions for communicating God’s truth in a world that rejects it.