May 3, 2024

Vocal Point-Jarrett Stepman

Topic: Gun Control

Recently, commentator Jarrett Stepman of the Heritage Foundation, wrote, “The rapid pace of the Californization of Virginia should be a wake-up call to people in other states around the country. Strident progressivism now drives the Democratic Party, and the pace of its efforts to remake and fundamentally transform American society will happen at a breakneck pace if it’s given power.” Stepman wrote about some recent developments in Virginia (see here and here), after the left gained control of the state legislature and governorship. Stepman, the author of the book, The War on History, for instance, comments on the recent attempt by Virginia authorities to implement more gun control in that state and the peaceful protests that have resulted. Stepman notes, “The protests were a response to the gun control policies of Gov. Ralph Northam and the state’s Legislature, which is now controlled by Democrats. Northam called for a ‘state of emergency’ in response to the protest, and numerous media outlets predicted it would be marked by ‘hate’ and violence, and overall would be a menacing and sordid affair.” The predictions were not accurate. Jarrett Stepman joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss these recent developments.