May 1, 2024

Vocal Point-Chelsey Youman

Topic: Coronavirus and Abortion Recorded: 4/6/20

While the coronavirus pandemic is consuming much needed medical care in this country, some pro-abortion forces want to see abortions continue to take place. Planned Parenthood has even sued in some cases to stop states from preventing them to continue doing abortions. Chelsey Youman works with the Human Coalition Action group, which is the “public policy arm” of Human Coalition, which is described as “the largest pro-life organization in the nation operating a national rescue system for preborn children and their families.” Youman, the Texas State Director and the National Legislative Advisor for Human Coalition Action, penned an op-ed on how Planned Parenthood is fighting to make abortion “essential” during this crisis time. Chelsey Youman joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss this controversy.