May 5, 2024

Vocal Point-Mike Haley

Topic: Equipping Parents to Equip Their Kids

Kirsten Hochstetler of Focus on the Family (FOTF) observes, “It might seem like one odd school year won’t affect kids in the long run, but for years the research has shown us that ‘Children who do not read well by the end of third grade are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers.’ Raising Highly Capable Kids Director Mike Haley wants to encourage parents to play a more active role.” Haley points out, “There are many practical things parents can do for education and literacy at home with their kids that have a phenomenal impact on their long-term success.” Haley is the director of the Raising Highly Capable Kids program, which is a 13-week parenting course implemented in a variety of community outlets. FOTF notes: “The curriculum teaches parents 40 building blocks that have been proven to contribute to the success of their children.” Mike Haley joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss what many of those building blocks are and what the church can do to help improve literacy.