May 15, 2024

Vocal Point-Peter Rosenberger

Topic: Caregiving.

Americans are living much longer today than they were during America’s founding era. This shows a greater need for caregiving than in previous times. Peter Rosenberger is the author of A Minute for Caregivers: When Every Day Feels Like Monday. Fidelis Publishers writes: “Peter Rosenberger was so overwhelmed by his round-the-clock caregiver duties that he once tried checking himself into a mental hospital. Instead of being admitted, Rosenberger shakes his head and laughs when recalling how he was given a tuna sandwich and sent home.’ My situation is not uncommon,’ said Rosenberger, an author and syndicated radio talk show host who’s on a mission to support the 65 million Americans struggling to care for a vulnerable loved one. He adds, ‘Hanging on by a thread until their loved one passes away is simply not acceptable for a caregiver to live a healthy life.” Peter Rosenberger or Hope for the Caregiver joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this rising issue.