May 13, 2024

Vocal Point-Mike Essen

Topic: Jews and Christians.

George Washington noted that here in America, people are free to worship as they see fit. He wrote letters to synagogues, noting how Jews here could dwell under “their own vines and fig trees, with none to make them afraid.” This was a quote from Micah 4:4. Should Jews be grateful for the Christian community or scornful of it? Mike Essen has been a popular Conservative Talk Show host for more than two decades in South Florida. He has interviewed names such as Alveda King, Oliver North, and Marco Rubio. Mike was once described by Alex Newman from Lindell TV as one of the best Talk Show hosts in the country. As a Jew, Mike is very outspoken about how Jews should be grateful for the Christian Community, not scorning it. Mike Essen joins Jerry Newcombe to talk about Jews and Christians (in a discussion recorded just days after the attack on Israel).