May 8, 2024

Vocal Point-Robert Spencer

Topic: Israel and Hamas.

George Washington, the father of our country, envisioned an America where people of all faiths could enjoy peace. He wrote to the synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island (8/14/1790): “May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig-tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.” Fast forward to today and we see the US as Israel’s closest ally. Israel was attacked recently in shocking and brutal ways. Some have likened the attack on October 7th, 2023 to Israel’s 9/11 or Israel’s Pearl Harbor. Our topic is Israel and the Jihadists. Robert Spencer is a NYT bestselling author on Islam and Jihad and Sharia. Robert Spencer joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss Israel and Hamas.