The Wedge Issue—Reflections on World Vision
What happened last week with World Vision should make us all take notice. The billion dollar evangelical charity announced they...
What happened last week with World Vision should make us all take notice. The billion dollar evangelical charity announced they...
Dr. Cal Beisner explains how Social Justice is not biblical.
Kevin Sorbo Kevin Sorbo plays the lead in great movie, GOD'S NOT DEAD.
There’s an old joke in Christian circles that goes like this: Someone had written in graffiti the famous quote from...
Ex-lesbian Anne Paulk talks about a nationwide ministry to homosexuals.
I recently traveled to Washington, DC to deliver the results of Truth In Action Ministries’ 2014 Spiritual State of the...
Comedian and leading skeptic Bill Maher called God a “psychotic mass murderer.” He said that in the upcoming "Noah" movie,...
Wesley J. Smith speaking for half hour on THE WAR ON HUMANS
We live in a time of the anti-hero. Too often, the good guys are the bad guys and vice versa....