Vocal Point-Bill Federer
Bill Federer is a walking encyclopedia of America’s Christian roots. He wrote America’s God and Country, a book that was...
Bill Federer is a walking encyclopedia of America’s Christian roots. He wrote America’s God and Country, a book that was...
Cheryl Chumley Cheryl Chumley is the author of The Devil in DC. She writes for worldnetdaily.com. She recently wrote a...
Mr. Trump meets with 1000 religious leaders. The presumptive GOP nominee for president met with evangelical leaders last week. One...
Steve Moore Heritage Foundation’s chief economist is Stephen Moore, who has written extensively for the Wall Street Journal. Stephen Moore...
Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense in 1776. It is not anti-Christian, as some of his later writings are. For example,...
An abortion doctor, who has been doing them for years, claimed that he loved killing the little babies. Lifenews writer...
There are ongoing legal challenges against David Deleiden, the young man who courageously made videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of...
Amazingly, some commentators seized on the tragic Orlando shooting to condemn Christians---even though it was a Muslim fellow shooting all...
I miss George W. Bush. There, I said it. I know one could come up with a list of his...