Vocal Point-Frank Cannon
The recent defeat of the governor of North Carolina, after a long recount battle, has been interpreted as a defeat...
The recent defeat of the governor of North Carolina, after a long recount battle, has been interpreted as a defeat...
Gary Michuta is a Christian apologist, working primarily in Catholic circles. He has written a new book called Hostile Witnesses:...
Pastor Stephen Broden is the pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship and is a member of the National Black Pro-Life...
From 2008--- Dr. Kennedy had a vision to use media to reach the world for Christ. Join host Jerry Newcombe...
This segment is dated...it was part of a 40 days of prayer for the 2012 campaign. Nonetheless, this short video...
Here's a classic D. James Kennedy-TV program on the subject of America's Christian Roots. After a portion of Dr. Kennedy's...
Here's a classic interview of David Barton (Walking Encyclopedia on America's Christian roots) by Jerry Newcombe on the D. James...
During the Christmas season, we remember Jesus Christ’s first coming to earth. But we must also always remember that He...
A month after the left’s meltdown over the Trump-Pence victory, it doesn’t seem to slow down. For example, the Drudge...