Vocal Point-Tim Winter
A recent series on Netflix called “13 Reasons Why” deals with suicide among high schoolers and contains a “graphic suicide...
A recent series on Netflix called “13 Reasons Why” deals with suicide among high schoolers and contains a “graphic suicide...
I can’t believe the depth of ignorance of many modern people in the West. Mass murderer Joseph Stalin, ruthless dictator...
Eric Scheidler Recently, there was a series of protests against Planned Parenthood around the country. Eric Scheidler, the driving force...
For years, we’ve been told that pro-abortion rights forces just want the procedure to be “safe, legal, and rare.” But...
Recently, there was a movie made that many of us never thought would be. It dealt with Ted Kennedy’s car...
Throughout the centuries, the Christian church has been involved in health care. Jesus healed the sick, showed compassion to the...
A leading New Testament scholar of today is Dr. Craig Evans, who teaches at Houston Theological Seminary. (Colleagues include Lee...