Social Media Censorship Is Out of Control
The New York Times’ slogan is famously, “All the news that’s fit to print.” I guess Facebook’s slogan should be,...
The New York Times’ slogan is famously, “All the news that’s fit to print.” I guess Facebook’s slogan should be,...
In John 9, Jesus healed a man born blind. This was a living parable of Jesus' teaching that He is...
Mona K. Oshana is a Christian from Iraq, who has a heart for the plight of Christians in the Middle...
Kendall Coffey, notes publicist Maria Sliwa, “worked alongside Brett Kavanaugh in the later stages of the Elian Gonzalez saga. Kavanaugh...
Today the social media big techs censor Infowars’ Alex Jones, a bit of a nutcase---in the opinion of many people....
D. James Kennedy Ministries Television presents another hard-hitting special. This one is on the battle over the Supreme Court, including...
When you see Bernie Sanders, remember Venezuela. When you see Elizabeth Warren, think Caracas. When you see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, think...
D. James Kennedy Ministries writes: "The United States Supreme Court has played a pivotal role in the culture wars in...
Venezuela is an avoidable human tragedy. A couple million Venezuelans have already left that country---in search of food. The oil-rich...