Vocal Point-Dr. Paul Jehle
Topic: Celebrating the Pilgrims. In 1989, on the 100th anniversary of the unveiling of the massive Forefathers Monument in Plymouth,...
Topic: Celebrating the Pilgrims. In 1989, on the 100th anniversary of the unveiling of the massive Forefathers Monument in Plymouth,...
Topic: The War on American History. There is an ongoing war on America as founded. In his dystopian novel, “1984,”...
Topic: Turning America Around. Is America on the right path? A wide majority of Americans say no. Don Blake, founding...
Topic: Safety for Jews. America has been a haven for religious freedom, including for minority religions. George Washington’s favorite Bible...
Bad ideas can often get accepted long after they were initially rejected. One generation recoils at a proposal. The next...
Topic: Celebrating the Pilgrims. Dennis Prager of PragerU once said that the Pilgrims founded America for all intents and purposes....
Topic: Is Religion Dangerous for Society? Is religion dangerous for society? If you listen to some in our culture, they...
Topic: The Sin of Omission. Author Bill Federer writes, “How have godly people been persuaded to let ungodliness reign?” When...
Topic: Restore the 10 Commandments. Is it constitutional to post the Ten Commandments in public places, including courthouses? Have recent...