About Me


Dr. Jerry Newcombe serves as the executive director of the Providence Forum (founded by Dr. Peter Lillback—now a division of D. James Kennedy Ministries) and as senior producer and an on-air contributor, and a columnist for Coral Ridge Ministries. Jerry has produced a series of 7 hour-long documentaries for Providence Forum on America’s Judeo-Christian roots—the Foundation of American Liberty series. Jerry has produced or co-produced more than 70 one hour television specials that have aired nationwide. Jerry is the author or co-author of 33 books, at least two of which have been bestsellers, George Washington’s Sacred Fire (with Dr. Peter Lillback) and What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (with Dr. Kennedy) . Jerry has also written Doubting Thomas? The Life and Legacy of Thomas Jefferson (with Mark Beliles). Jerry has appeared on numerous talk shows as a guest, including Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (4x), Janet Parshall’s America, Point of View, the Moody radio network, TBN, the Fox News Channel, the Fox Business Channel, C-Span2’s “Book Notes,” etc. Jerry hosts a weekly radio program called “Vocal Point” on GraceNetRadio (www.GraceNetRadio.com), which is a “meeting of the minds.” (The broadcasts are also individually posted at jerrynewcombe.com) His latest books are The Blessing of Liberty (co-written with Peter Lillback), American Amnesia (Nordskog Publishing), A New Birth of Freedom (D. James Kennedy Ministries), and The Unstoppable Jesus Christ (Creators).

Jerry is an associate minister at New Presbyterian Church, Wilton Manors, FL. Jerry is happily married with two children and three grandchildren. The Newcombes reside in South Florida.

Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. –
biographical information



Dr. Jerry Newcombe serves as the executive director of the Providence Forum, as the senior producer, and as an on-air contributor for Truth that Transforms (formerly The Coral Ridge Hour), the television outreach of the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, the senior pastor of the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church for 48 years, until his death in 2007. Jerry produces a weekly column for the ministry and often produces many TV segments and co-produces television documentaries. Dr. Peter Lillback, president emeritus, founded the Providence Forum. Dr. Lillback and Dr. Newcombe wrote a book on George Washington’s religion.

Jerry earned his B.A. in history with honors at Tulane University (1978) and his M.A. with honors in communications at Wheaton Graduate School (1983) and his D.Min. (Doctorate of Ministry) from Knox Theological Seminary (2008). Dr. Newcombe wrote his thesis on the importance of America’s Christian heritage and how pastors and laypeople can pass on that heritage, and a variation of that thesis became one of his most recent books (The Book That Made America).

For years, Jerry served as senior producer for The Coral Ridge Hour and has produced or co-produced more than 75 one hour television specials, mostly with Dr. Kennedy as the host. These programs have aired nationwide and have dealt with such subjects as church and state, creation/evolution, indecency on the airwaves, gambling, the ACLU, Judge Roy Moore (the Ten Commandments Judge), and so on. Perhaps the most widely seen specials Jerry has had the privilege of serving as lead producer was the Christmas 2000 program, WHO IS THIS JESUS, and the Easter 2001 special, WHO IS THIS JESUS: IS HE RISEN? and (co-produced with John Rabe) WHAT IF JESUS HAD NEVER BEEN BORN?, a documentary based on the best-selling book by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. Other specials have included: THE DA VINCI DELUSION, DARWIN’S DEADLY LEGACY, CROSS PURPOSES, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, THE ATTACK ON JESUS, IS JESUS GOD?, SOCIALISM: A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, and RADICAL ISLAM ON THE MARCH, all of which were co-produced with John Rabe.

Jerry is the author or co-author of 33 books, some of which have now been translated into several different volumes in foreign languages. Jerry’s most recent solo book is The Unstoppable Jesus Christ (2017). Also there’s Answers from the Founding Fathers(2011). Also, he wrote The Book That Made America: How the Bible Formed Our Nation (Nordskog Publishing, 2009), which has now been translated into Chinese. His latest books are American Amnesia (Nordskog Publishing, 2018) and A New Birth of Freedom (D. James Kennedy Ministries, 2019), and The Blessing of Liberty (co-written with Dr. Peter Lillback).

Jerry is the co-author of 17 books with Dr. D. James Kennedy, including the best-seller, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? This book has been translated into Spanish, Indonesian, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, and Chinese. Also by Dr. Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe are: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail, New Every Morning (a daily devotional), and What If The Bible Had Never Been Written? Also, they have written together, Who Is This Jesus: Is He Risen? and Christ’s Passion: The Power and the Promise. A 2003 collaboration was What If America Were A Christian Nation Again?, one of the last books to be endorsed by the late Bill Bright, who said: “May God use James Kennedy and this great book to help mobilize citizens of this country and particularly the body of Christ, God’s army in this crucial, historic hour. Now is the time for action!” They have also written Lord of All: Developing a Christian World-and-Life View(Crossway, 2005); The DaVinci Myth vs. the Gospel Truth (Crossway, 2006); Cross Purposes, which explores God’s reasons for the Cross of Christ (Multnomah, 2007); How Would Jesus Vote? A Christian Perspective on the Issues(WaterBrook, a division of Random House, 2008) and The Presence of a Hidden God (Multnomah, 2008). Based on Dr. Kennedy’s teachings, Jerry has compiled, The Real Messiah: Prophecies Fulfilled and Beside Still Waters, an additional day-by-day devotion, which includes the opportunity for the reader to journal.

Jerry has also written a book with Dr. Peter Lillback, president of Westminster Theological Seminary:George Washington’s Sacred Fire. This book is the DEFINITIVE volume, proving beyond a reasonable doubt that our first president was a Christian (and not a soft Deist). In 2010, thanks to Glenn Beck’s enthusiasm for the book, it became #1 on Amazon for several days in a row, worldwide, all categories.

With Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.(founder of the Christian Law Association), Jerry has co-authored One Nation Under God: Ten Things Every Christian Should Know About the Founding of America (2003).

Jerry has co-authored two books with his wife, Kirsti: 1) I’ll Do It Tomorrow, which is a book by a former procrastinator (Jerry), looking at how to overcome procrastination (it features over 80 cartoons from Johnny Hart’s B.C.), which is now available in Korean, and 2) A Way of Escape, which is a book dealing with temptation in the light of the Seven Deadly Sins. Also by Jerry are The Moral of the Story (a Christian version of the Book of Virtues), which is available in Korean in two separate volumes, and Coming Again, which compares the different perspectives on the return of Christ (without taking sides). Ted Baehr of MOVIEGUIDE highly recommends this book: “Noting that the early church did not make eschatology a necessary creedal affirmation, Jerry Newcombe has written the most important book on this argumentative issue, called COMING AGAIN BUT WHEN?”

Jerry has appeared on numerous talk shows to discuss his books or specials. These include: Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (4x), Janet Parshall’s America, Point of View, the Moody radio network, TBN nationally and locally, The Coral Ridge Hour, the Fox News Channel, the Fox Business Channel, C-Span2’s “Book Notes,” etc.

Jerry hosts Vocal Point, a weekly radio program on Christian radio, “GraceFM,” www.GraceNetRadio.com, Thursdays, 12-1 PM Eastern time. (See the Radio page of this website to hear many of those interviews).

Jerry met Kirsti at Wheaton Graduate School. They were married two years later in her home church (the Lutheran Free Church of Kristiansand, Norway). The service was bilingual; they said, “Ja, I do” on 28 June, 1980. They have two children, Annie and Eric. The Newcombes reside in South Florida.

By the grace of God, we have a beautiful granddaughter, Elizabeth (born June 18, 2013). She is so sweet.

Elizabeth, Isaac, Naomi

Thank You, Jesus. We also have a new grandson, Isaac, born November 15, 2015. We thank the Lord for our many blessings, including little Isaac and now Naomi (born July 15, 2018).