Watch Portions of the New DJKM-TV Special on “What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?”
In 1998, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe wrote the book, What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?, a follow-up...
In 1998, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe wrote the book, What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?, a follow-up...
Topic: The Transgender Issue and the Election. The founding fathers gave us a system of government where we are to...
Topic: Abortion The right to life is explicitly mentioned in our nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. But abortion...
Topic: America’s 250th Birthday in 2025. On July 4, 2026, the United States will be celebrating its 250th birthday. Will...
Topic: Our Christian Roots as Seen in the Library of Congress. Does America have Christian roots and does it matter?...
The Good Book is the world’s most widely distributed book. It is also the world’s best seller. And now sales...
Dr. Rob Pacienza is the host of Truths that Transform. In this special edition of Truths that Transform, Dr. Rob ...
Here is the message by Dr. Jerry Newcombe, on how Jesus was prophesied in the Garden of Eden---in Genesis 3:14-15....
Topic: Bill Gates’ Call for a New Religion for Today’s Times. Historically, America has Judeo-Christian roots, although not everyone agrees...