California Law Restricts Freedom of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
D. James Kennedy Ministries writes:
“The Constitution in America has been under attack for more than a generation now. Beginning with court appointees of FDR in the 1940’s, the nation’s governing document has been illegitimately rewritten, and flagrantly violated by local, state, and federal governments. Nowhere is that more apparent than with the First Amendment’s protections of religious free exercise.
“On today’s program, you’ll see how a secularized America has become a less free America, and you’ll discover how the government is forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to act against their religious consciences—in direct violation of the Constitution. been lost—and how we can get it back.”
This includes a segment produced by Jerry Newcombe (beginning about 15 minutes in) on an egregious example of the Constitution being twisted by pro-abortion-rights legislation. This involves a California law forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to have to advertise abortions.