Are Christmas and Jesus “Fake News”?
Just in time for Christmas 2017, an atheist group put up a billboard in Dallas with the message: “Just skip...
Just in time for Christmas 2017, an atheist group put up a billboard in Dallas with the message: “Just skip...
The greatest command, said Jesus, is that we love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Sometimes missing...
Bad news gets press. “If it bleeds, it leads.” Good news tends not to spread as well and as far....
An acquaintance once asked Winston Churchill if he had shown the statesman a picture of his grandchild. Churchill replied, saying...
Many Americans, declares an article in the New York Times (11/24/17), are “Leaning on the Stars to Make Sense of...
With the holiday of Thanksgiving recently past, it's good to consider what the Pilgrims endured and how they thanked God...
2017 may go down as the year that sexual scandals rocked America. The thing about a charge of rape, said...
We should regularly pray for the persecuted church. I planned to write about this topic and focus on anti-Christian persecution...
The namesake of Martin Luther King, Jr. was an Augustinian monk who lived 500 years ago. On October 31, 1517,...