VP Kamala Harris Visits an Abortion Clinic—Pro-Life Leaders Respond
For more than 50 years, the left has promoted abortion in America. But last week we saw something new in...
For more than 50 years, the left has promoted abortion in America. But last week we saw something new in...
For a recent column I'm writing on the subject of VP Kamala Harris visiting an abortion facility in St. Paul...
Can anybody name one-square inch on the planet where Communism has done anyone any good? Anywhere? Not for the ruling...
It seems like everyone is talking these days about Rob Reiner’s hitjob movie against the religious right. It makes “Christian...
We have become a nation of rude people. Does that matter? I actually think it does because there is a...
Since we celebrated Presidents' Day recently, I thought it might be interesting to reflect on the faith of the first...
In recent decades the quality of American education has plummeted. When you scan the headlines related to education, you realize...
Are parents who are concerned for their children’s education “haters”? Are they bigots? Do they deserve to be treated as...
Almost 250 years ago, 13 separate colonies in North America, founded mostly by the British, made a pact together to...