I Was a Guest on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show—Discussing “American Amnesia”
Listen to Jerry Newcombe discussing his new book with Eric Metaxas on the radio: https://omny.fm/shows/the-eric-metaxas-show/jerry-newcombe
Listen to Jerry Newcombe discussing his new book with Eric Metaxas on the radio: https://omny.fm/shows/the-eric-metaxas-show/jerry-newcombe
Jerry Newcombe discussed "American Amnesia" on the radio program: "The Power Hour" https://powerhournation.com/todays-guests-jerry-newcombe-david-getoff/
Dr. Jerry Newcombe was recently interviewed by Kim Kennedy of WFYL of Philadelphia on his new book, AMERICAN AMNESIA. This...
Hear Jerry Newcombe be interviewed by Stacy Harp on the Bible News Radio....among other things, they discuss a recent column...
I was a guest of Lori Wilson's on an Atlanta radio station recently, discussing my book, AMERICAN AMNESIA. Here is...
Roger Marsh interviewed Jerry Newcombe on his radio show recently on the subject of his new book, AMERICAN AMNESIA. https://soundcloud.com/thebottomlineshow/jerry-newcombe-his-new-book-american-amnesia
Hear Jerry Newcombe as a guest on Janet Mefferd's radio program, discussing "American Amnesia." https://soundcloud.com/janetmefferdtoday/1-17-19-janet-mefferd-today
On October 16, 2018, I was a guest on Dr. Michael Brown's radio program, discussing my new book, AMERICAN AMNESIA....
I was a guest on "The Meeting House" radio program recently to discuss my new book, AMERICAN AMNESIA. To hear...