Vocal Point-Robert Spencer
Arab Winter comes to America, says best-selling author Robert Spencer. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-061214-JNa.mp3
Arab Winter comes to America, says best-selling author Robert Spencer. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-061214-JNa.mp3
Dr. Michael Brown on the subject of people being "gay" and "Christian." https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-060514-JNa.mp3
Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of "Darwin's Doubt," refutes theistic evolution. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-060514-JNb.mp3
Tom Bogar, author of "Backstage at the Lincoln Assassination." https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-052214-JNa.mp3
Dr. Paul Marshall, expert on persecution, on the Boko Haram kidnapping. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-051514-JNa.mp3
Todd Starnesof Fox News Channel on his book, "God Less America." https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-050814-JNc.mp3
Dr. Stephen Meyer (author of DARWIN'S DOUBT) comments on COSMOS (TV show).
Author Nabeel ("Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus") Quereshi https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-042414-JNa.mp3
A medical doctor examines the crucifixion---Dr. Alan Whanger Note: This interview is predicated on our earlier discussion (2013) on the Shroud...