Vocal Point-Dr. Laura Hollis
Dr. Laura Hollis of Notre Dame (speaking for herself) analyzes Obamacare. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-012314-JNa.mp3
Dr. Laura Hollis of Notre Dame (speaking for herself) analyzes Obamacare. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-012314-JNa.mp3
Discovery Institute's Scott Powell comments on Obamacare https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-121213-JNb.mp3
Dr. John West comments on C. S. Lewis and evolution. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-121213-JNa.mp3
Dr. Steve Meyer, author of Darwin's Doubt, comments on evolution and textbooks https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-120513-JNa.mp3
Pilgrim expert Paul Jehle comments on the true history of Thanksgiving https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-112813-JNa.mp3
Mat Staver, founder/director of Liberty Counsel on a Christian Worldview https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-112113-JNa.mp3
Stephen C. MeyerDarwin's Doubt BOOK My classic discussion with Dr. Stephen Meyer about his DARWIN'S DOUBT. https://vp.voicehangar.com/vp-071813-JNa.mp3