TV Segment on Christians and Politics
Here is a televisions segment produced/hosted by Jerry Newcombe for D. James Kennedy Ministries on the subject of Christians and...
Here is a televisions segment produced/hosted by Jerry Newcombe for D. James Kennedy Ministries on the subject of Christians and...
Here is a TV-segment put together by Dr. Jerry Newcombe for D. James Kennedy Ministries-TV dealing with the assault on...
D. James Kennedy Ministries writes: America's founders believed a vibrant and free Christian church was essential to self-government and prosperity....
Jesus Christ's coming into our world has divided time into two---before His coming and after his coming. BC and AD...
D. James Kennedy Ministries writes: 2023 is going to be a pivotal year for our nation, and for this ministry....
For more information on the new film based on the WHAT IF JESUS, please see here. ‘Always Winter, but...
SPECIAL What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? Parts 1 and 2 D. James Kennedy Ministries writes: The impact of...
Here's a new TV segment by Jerry Newcombe on Religious Liberty as an election issue. This is part of the...
Here is a TV segment from D. James Kennedy Ministries produced by Dr. Jerry Newcombe on the battle over education,...