D. James Kennedy – “Will the Church Forget?”
Truths That Transform is the flagship program of D. James Kennedy Ministries and includes portions of Dr. Kennedy’s classic messages. The program is hosted by Dr. Frank Wright.
When cultural chaos is descending all around us, many wonder what the future holds. What should be our role as Christians in this seemingly new world, and what should we expect to be able to accomplish in it? Should we revise our expectations downwards, as some suggest? Should we retreat into a more monastic lifestyle and wait for it to blow over as others have prescribed?
On this program, Dr. Kennedy will share some powerful words on this subject for the Christian church in America today. We look at a key tool used to silence the church–and give you the opportunity to help remove it. And we discuss the role of the bold pulpit with one of America’s premiere teachers of aspiring preachers in seminary.
About 15 minutes into the program comes a segment produced by Jerry Newcombe on the subject of the Johnson (as in LBJ) Amendment, which has been used to effectively silence many pulpits from speaking out on the issues of the day.