Happy 50th Birthday to Coral Ridge Ministries

This year Coral Ridge Ministries (CRM) celebrates 50 years of service. We have seen five decades of God’s faithfulness. Since 1985, I’ve had the privilege to serve the Lord at Coral Ridge Ministries, based in Ft. Lauderdale, for almost 40 of those 50 years.

Dr. D. James Kennedy served as the founding pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church (CRPC) from 1959 until his heavenly home-coming in 2007.

Before the beautiful CRPC building was even completed in the early 1970s, Dr. Kennedy, with a hardhat in hand, declared in a prophetic film, “It is our prayer that through this church, the gospel of Jesus Christ might be radiated through television and radio, motion pictures and cassettes, books and clinics, and by ways yet undreamed of unto the entire world.”

Looking back at half a century, we see that Dr. Kennedy’s prayer has been amply answered. And it continues to be answered. To God be the glory.

In 1974, as part of the goal to broadcast the Word as widely as possible, Dr. Kennedy began to broadcast his messages, first via the radio. In 1978, his television program began. That program is still on the air—all these decades later. It has gone through minor format change and name changes as well, such as “Coral Ridge Presents,” “The Coral Ridge Hour,” “Truths That Transform.” But the basic message is the same. Reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Christian view on the great issues of the day.

Think about how enduring has this television legacy has been. How many programs can you think of have been on the air decade after decade? The Coral Ridge pulpit has been blessed by the Lord to continue from the 1970s to today.

Here are some of the great accomplishments through the years:

  • A weekly television program, featuring portions of his sermons and a segment amplifying the message. In recent years, many of Dr. Robert J. Pacienza’s messages are also being broadcast.
  • Movers and shakers have commented on the program through the decades. This includes Francis Schaeffer, James Dobson, Mike Huckabee, Pat Boone, Kirk Cameron, Joni Eareckson Tada, Alveda King, Dennis Prager, Josh McDowell, Eric Metaxas, Franklin Graham, Jay Sekulow, Chuck Colson, Del Tackett, and the list goes on.
  • For years a daily radio broadcast on multiple stations has emanated from the Coral Ridge pulpit. Today a new daily Coral Ridge broadcast feature Dr. Pacienza’s messages are now going out.
  • The ministry has produced important books and resources to bolster faith and to address important cultural issues.
  • Broadcast specials addressing key issues of the day and a defense of the Christian faith against the attacks of unbelief. Through the years the ministry has produced and widely aired scores of cutting-edge documentaries. For example, when millions were losing their faith because they assumed The DaVinci Code was true (and therefore the Gospel accounts were not), CRM produced, The DaVinci Delusion. First rate historian, Dr. Paul Maier appeared in the program and wrote to the ministry: “I just finished viewing the DA VINCI DELUSION DVD that you were kind enough to send me. FABULOUS job!! I mean, a hundred pros working at CBS, NBC, ABC, or any other television network could NOT have done better (in fact, would probably have done worse!).  In terms of content, location shooting, editing, special effects — whatever — this was a superb production.  My most enthusiastic compliments to you, Dr. Kennedy, and your entire crew!”
  • Dr. Kennedy, along with Dr. James Dobson, the late Bill Bright, the late Larry Burkett, and the late Marlin Maddoux, co-founded the ADF, which fights for religious liberty and has successfully brought many cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • The founding of the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship in Washington, D.C., to provide a Christian witness in our nation’s capital. The center has recently received a reboot under the leadership of Will Russell, formerly of the Trump Administration. This includes procuring a new ministry location, close to the Capitol.
  • Providence Forum is dedicated to informing Americans about our nation’s Christian roots and the need to return to our founding principles. CRM board member Dr. Peter Lillback, the founder of Providence Forum, gave it to the ministry, so it may continue its vital work. Today, I have the privilege to serve as the executive director.

On a personal note: History has always been important to me. When I was a child, I became the youngest member (certainly at the time) of our local town’s history group, the Winnetka Historical Society. As a 12-year-old, I enjoyed tea and learning about history with octogenarians. Later I majored in history at Tulane University. But it was not until I sat under Dr. Kennedy’s pulpit and worked for his television department and interviewed people like Peter Marshall, Paul Jehle, Peter Lillback, David Barton, Bill Federer, Donald Lutz, Daniel Dreisbach, Marshall Foster, etc. that I came to appreciate the fact that you cannot truthfully tell the history of America and leave the Christian faith out. The more I study the more convinced I am that it was Christianity and the Bible that played a unique role in the settling and the founding of America. I count it a great privilege to help share such information through books, articles, documentaries, short videos, podcasts, and speeches. And Dr. Kennedy played a pivotal role in helping to set my trajectory in this direction.

Through the years, many great and influential people within Christendom have recognized God’s blessing on Coral Ridge Ministries. Here is a small sampling:

  • Alan Sears, founding president of the ADF: “I work on the frontlines of the battle for religious freedom in this country every day and I know what a critical role that Coral Ridge Ministries and Dr. Kennedy have played in this fight.”
  • Mat Staver, founder and president of Liberty Counsel: “Dr. Kennedy is on the front lines of restoring America….I wish there were more Dr. Kennedys and Coral Ridge Ministries around the country. And if there were, this country would not be in the situation that we find ourselves today.”
  • Veteran journalist Bob Knight observed: “Most people are running for the tall grass, but not Coral Ridge Ministries. Dr. Kennedy has become a champion of the American family and he deserves our support.”
  • Joni remarked, “The preaching of Dr. James Kennedy for these many years standing firm for the gospel and promoting the values that we so treasure here in America.”
  • Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said, “It’s one of the most influential voices that I ever encountered even as a child I remember hearing Dr. Kennedy and his preaching and his integration of our faith in Christ our citizenship in the kingdom and our citizenship as Americans.”
  • Lt. Col. Allen West, former U.S. Congressman, noted: “I remember growing up as a kid in Atlanta, Georgia and listening to Dr. D. James Kennedy and that incredible booming voice, saying, ‘This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.’ And thank you, Dr. Rob, for continuing that tradition. It’s so vital that we have ministries out there like Coral Ridge that continues to elevate the Word of God and also to look at the issues and everything that we are confronting in this nation from a Biblical worldview. So happy 50th anniversary to Coral Ridge Ministries. Dr. Rob, keep pressing on.”

And every day people have been impacted by this ministry. Said one man, “Because of me hearing Dr. Kennedy on TV, my life has been drastically changed and affected for the better.” This story has been multiplied many times over, and it continues to be today, as well, under the leadership of Dr. Robert J. Pacienza. And Dr. Kennedy’s daughter, Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, has made invaluable contributions to keep the legacy of her father going strong.

I’ve been blessed to participate in some of the work done at Coral Ridge Ministries. I’m grateful to God to have written or co-written 33 books, including 19 with Dr. Kennedy. I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to produce and co-produce many television programs and segments on the great issues of the day from a Christian perspective. I am so thankful that Rob Pacienza  continues to build on the great work begun by Dr, Kennedy.

Author and evangelist Alex McFarland is grateful for how God used Coral Ridge Ministries in his and his family’s life. Listening to Dr. Kennedy on television helped propel Alex to the successful ministry he is involved in today. Alex remarks, “And I rejoice that God is still in a powerful way using Coral Ridge, and D James Kennedy’s legacy goes on now through Pastor Pacienza.”

“To God be the glory. Great things He has done.”



Dr. Jerry Newcombe is the executive director of Providence Forum, a division of Coral Ridge  Ministries, where Jerry also serves as senior producer and an on-air contributor. He has written/co-written 33 books, including (with D. James Kennedy), What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? and (with Dr. Peter Lillback), George Washington’s Sacred Fire.