Information on “The Unstoppable Jesus Christ” by Jerry Newcombe
The Unstoppable Jesus Christ: How Your Faith Can Triumph in a World Gone Mad
by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.
We live in an age of militant atheism. In our days, faith is viewed by many of our elites as a glorified fairy tale. The future does not belong to the Christian religion—or so it would seem. But is that true?
Although the skeptics seem to be in full force today, the fact is that Jesus Christ is on a mission, calling millions of people to Himself. The Unstoppable Jesus Christ aims to show who the real Jesus is; why His mission will not fail; why we can trust His Word, the Bible; why the Hollywood left and the Christian-bashers are on the wrong side of history; and that science and the arts are tools of His creation.
Jesus said the day would come when men will kill you and think that in so doing they are worshiping God. And so the book deals with the very real threat of radical Islam and even the threat of death itself. Jesus is unstoppable, and His movement is unstoppable. And everyone, regardless of past actions and socio-economic background and religious upbringing, is welcome to join His Kingdom, on His terms.
Napoleon was well acquainted with political power, and he once observed, “I search in vain in history to find the similar to Jesus Christ, or anything which can approach the gospel. . . . Nations pass away, thrones crumble, but the Church remains.”
About a hundred years ago, James Russell Lowell, who wrote the hymn “Once to every man and nation” (which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted when he made it to Selma) once said this: “I challenge any skeptic to find a ten square mile spot on this planet where they can live their lives in peace and safety and decency, where womanhood is honored, where infancy and old age are revered, where they can educate their children, where the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not gone first to prepare the way. If they find such a place, then I would encourage them to emigrate thither and there proclaim their unbelief.”
“In this important new book, The Unstoppable Jesus Christ, Dr. Jerry Newcombe urges us to re-embrace our Christian values and fight back against forces working to repress our Christian liberties, which are increasingly in jeopardy.”
David Limbaugh, NYT bestselling author
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“Dr. Jerry Newcombe has hit another home run! His book, The Unstoppable Jesus Christ: How Your Faith Can Triumph in a World Gone Mad is absolutely brilliant. Jerry’s in-depth decades of historical research and interviews with national and global leaders has given him a unique and fascinating perspective into what the problems are facing Western Civilization, and what the answer is….I highly endorse Dr. Jerry Newcombe’s soon-to-be-classic book…”
William J. Federer, bestselling author and popular speaker
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“….The incarnation of God into His own human creation shook the universe and transformed the culture. Dr. Jerry Newcombe captures the incredible transformative power of Jesus in this must read book.”
Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
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“….I commend the book and pray the lessons in it will be applied with prayerful determination and humility.”
Michael A. Milton, Ph.D., President, Faith for Living, Inc.
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“Much of today’s Christianity has regrettably become a watered-down, truthless, hyper-grace-filled counterfeit….In his new book The Unstoppable Jesus Christ, my friend Dr. Jerry Newcombe gives a comprehensive look at the full counsel of scripture in the context of our modern times….”
Matt Barber, Associate Dean, Liberty University School of law and founder of
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“….Since it is comprised of short vignettes, it is a book to be enjoyed as bedside reading or in timely moments. I highly recommend The Unstoppable Jesus Christ: How Your Faith Can Triumph in a World Gone Mad by Jerry Newcombe and urge everyone everywhere to read it.
Dr. Ted Baehr
Publisher of “Movieguide”® and author of The Culture- Wise Family
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“Did you ever wish you had one book that you could go to for a quick reference on various topics? Here it is—a wonderfully, unexpected book. An essential volume for living in today’s world. A great book written with authority and insight.”
Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, Co-host, Truths that Transform, and daughter of D. James Kennedy
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“This book is an important must-read! Our nation needs this book now more than ever.”
Attorney David Gibbs III, Founder/director of the National Center for Life and Liberty (NCLL)
To book an interview with Jerry Newcombe, contact
Creators Publishing, a division of Creators Syndicate, Hermosa Beach, CA
To purchase a copy of The Unstoppable Jesus Christ, click here.