Pro-Life Leaders Speak Out on VP Kamala Harris’s Visit to a Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility

For a recent column I’m writing on the subject of VP Kamala Harris visiting an abortion facility in St. Paul last week (a first for any president or vice president to visit an abortion clinic), I asked for some comments from pro-life leaders. Here are some of their comments:

▪ Eric Scheidler, the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, told me (in an email on 3/16/24): “Sadly, I can’t think of a more appropriate place for Kamala Harris to appear than an abortion facility. The Biden-Harris administration is devoted to aborting every unborn child they can — especially the children of the poor. Harris seems to take offense at the idea that a poor woman might embrace her right to motherhood. She couldn’t care less that most of those mothers turn to abortion only in desperation, not as a free ‘choice.’ That’s why faithful Christians need to show up at abortion centers themselves, to offer compassionate help to the mothers Harris won’t listen to and to mourn for the precious children Harris has turned her back on.”

▪ Father Frank Pavone, the founding president of Priests for Life, sent me (through email on 3/15/24) this response to VP Harris’ visit: “First of all, the pro-life side is doing better at showing solidarity with their base. Years ago, under the Trump Administration, the VP [Mike Pence] visited a pregnancy center. Secondly, VP Harris didn’t get the full experience at Planned Parenthood. Did they show her the forceps that rip the baby’s arms and legs off? Better yet, did they show her the arms and legs that have to be reassembled in the tray? Did they even describe the abortion procedure to her? The Democrats are pretending. If they want to bring abortion forward as an election issue, then talk about abortion and show voters what it is. It’s actually the last thing they want to do.”

▪ Jim Harden,* the CEO of a Buffalo-area crisis pregnancy center that was firebombed in 2022, emailed me this response (on 3/18/24): “Receiving $1.8 Billion in federal funding over the last three years demonstrates Planned Parenthood is a de facto government agency. And given the Biden/Harris campaign plans to get re-elected on abortion it only makes sense she would visit the largest abortion business on the planet, perpetrating over 40% of all abortions in the U.S. If Harris’ campaign mantra about Women’s Reproductive Freedom is sincere, why is she not decrying the organization’s alleged illicit sex crime cover-ups in Arizona and Missouri? This is not about protecting women’s rights but about sacrificing women and their preborn boys and girls on the altar of political power.”

*Rev. Jim Harden, M.Div
EMC Frontline President
CompassCare CEO
Rochester, NY