Providence Today Segments


These short TV-vignettes (about 5-minutes each) by Dr. Jerry Newcombe show how the Judeo-Christian tradition helped shape the BEST in the American tradition. These are all based on content and additional commentary from the Foundation of American Liberty series.

Here are many different Providence Today segments:

Here are additional ones:

The origins of education in America were rooted in the Bible and Christianity, but you’d never know it today. Discover the real story in this special report.

Watch the trailer for the documentary, George Washington, which highlights our founding father’s legacy and reliance upon God. This is the latest in a series of Foundation Films by Dr. Jerry Newcombe for Providence Forum. (Sarah Kittle significantly helped create this trailer.)

The Puritans who created New England carved out a remarkable civilization in the wilderness in a relatively short time. But there was trouble in the “New Jerusalem,” specifically with King Phillip’s War and the Salem Witchcraft hysteria of 1692.

The Puritans contributed a great deal to American freedom. Their leader, Rev. John Winthrop, preached a sermon wherein he quoted Jesus, saying that they should be like “a city on a hill,” a metaphor for America.

Why is Connecticut called “the Constitution state” since the Constitution was written in Pennsylvania? Find out in this segment of Providence Today.

Did you know that the Puritan colony of Rhode Island, founded by Rev. Roger Williams, was one of the first outposts anywhere to honor the right of conscience? Find out why Roger Williams was a man ahead of his time.

Watch the trailer for “The Pilgrims.” This one-hour special tells the story of the Pilgrims and their journey of faith to America. More information on the film is available at