Recent (2024) Interviews of Jerry Newcombe on Various Outlets

Recent interviews or participation on various outlets, etc….

***Here is an article by Lynette Kittle for Salem on American Thanksgiving, quoting Jerry Newcombe.

***Here is Jerry Newcombe as a guest of Dan Ball on his program: Real America with Dan Ball on One American News Network on the Pilgrims.

***Here is Dr. Tim Clinton interviewing Jerry Newcombe on the origins of Thanksgiving for Life, Love, Faith, and Family. Here is another link for same.

***Here is Lauren Green, Director of Fox News Faith, interviewing Jerry Newcombe on the Pilgrims.

***Here is a link to the City of God Podcast, wherein Dr. Robert J. Pacienza interviews Jerry Newcombe on our Christian roots, including the impact of the church on education in America.

***Here is a brief interview with Taylor Winslow,  a student who is a direct descendent of the Pilgrim, Edward Winslow. The interview begins about 2:00 minutes from the top.

***Here is a short interview with Jerry Newcombe for a historical film festival—related to his film “Endowed By Their Creator” (on the Declaration of Independence).

***Here is David Brody of CBN interviewing Jerry Newcombe on Real America’s Voice regarding Christopher Columbus.

***Here is a worldnetdaily interview of Jerry Newcombe by Josh Turnbow. (

***Here is a wonderful on-line prayer service for the upcoming election, hosted by Dr. Rob Pacienza, Alveda King, Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy, and Jerry Newcombe.

***Here is Jerry Newcombe on the Bottom Line with Roger Marsh.

***Here is Jerry being interviewed by Shayna Rattler* (see image at bottom of page) on America’s Christian roots.

***Here is Kelly Wright on Epoch TV interviewing Jerry Newcombe and Troy Miller and Jane Cook on Trump and Evangelicals.

***Here is Dan Elmendorff interviewing Jerry Newcombe on Redeemer radio to contrast the American and the French Revolutions.

***Here is Jerry Newcombe as a guest on Victory News, July 11, 2024.

***Here is Kelly Wright on Epoch TV interviewing Jerry Newcombe and Jane Cook in reference to the 4th of July.

***Here is Jason Bermas interviewing Jerry Newcombe for his program, “Making Sense of the Madness.”

***Here is an interview by Eric of Eric and Brigitte on the South Florida Moody affiliate of Jerry Newcombe on American independence.

***Here is Dr. Jerry Newcombe being interviewed by Dr. Tim Clinton on America’s Independence.

***Here is Jerry Newcombe in a short video made for the History Film Festival 2024 in Vienna, which has accepted Jerry’s film “Endowed By Their Creator” as an entry.

***Here is Dr. Jerry Newcombe speaking with David Wheaton about the Pilgrims and their Biblical worldview. This discussion includes audio clips from Jerry’s film, “The Pilgrims

***Here is a discussion with Bob Crittendon of the Meeting House on Faith Radio (based in Alabama) interviewing Jerry Newcombe on “The Road to Independence” (May 2024).

***Here is Chaps interviewing Jerry about the War on America as Founded. Chaps is Dr. Gordon Klingenschmitt. They write, “Returning guest and favorite Christian historian, Dr. Jerry Newcombe, joins Dr. Chaps on PIJN. Fighting an unseen war on America Jerry gives you insights on our current fight.”

***Here is Jerry being interviewed by Eric and Jill (filling in for Brigitte) on WRMB, Moody radio, in reference to our Providence Forum film, “The Road to Independence” (May 2024)

***Here is Dr. Jerry Newcombe being interviewed by Redeemer Broadcasting (New York state) on Memorial Day considerations.

***Here is Bill Martinez interviewing Jerry Newcombe—that portion begins 6 minutes from the top of Hour 2.

***Here is Dr. Tim Clinton of Liberty interviewing Dr. Jerry Newcombe for Memorial Day considerations (May 2024). This includes thoughts on Israel’s right to defend itself.

***Here is Kerby Anderson on Point of View interviewing Jerry Newcombe on how prayer has been a major part of the American experience (April 2024).

***Here is David Brody interviewing Jerry Newcombe about the godless void in much of today’s education for Real America’s Voice.

***Here is Dave Krieger of the Power Hour interviewing Jerry Newcombe about prayer in American history and the National Day of Prayer (April 19, 2024)

***Dr. Danny Yamashiro talks with Jerry Newcombe about prophecies Jesus fulfilled. March 25, 2024.

***Coral Ridge Ministries’ president Dr. Robert J. Pacienza spoke with Dr. Jerry Newcombe on the City of God podcast about Providence and the Founding of America. You can listen to it here.

***Watch Dr. Jerry Newcombe being interviewed by Chaplain Gordon Klingenshmidt on the War on America as founded.

***Alex McFarland talks with Jerry Newcombe about church-state relations.

***Here is Greg Seltz interviewing me about Handel’s Messiah, featured on Georgene Rice’s program.

***Here is Dr. Tim Clinton of Liberty University interviewing Jerry Newcombe on “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?’

***Here is Kerby Anderson interviewing Jerry Newcombe on Point of View on “What If the Bible Had Never Been Written?”

***Here is a conversation on the Pilgrims on Ken and Deb from Moody Radio interviewing Jerry Newcombe.

***Here is Dr. Danny Yamashiro interviewing Jerry Newcombe on Messianic prophecies Jesus fulfilled.

***Here‘s a classic interview from Janet Parshall, talking with Jerry Newcombe about how America is paying a high price for forgetting God

***Here‘s a classic interview from Janet Parshall, talking with Jerry Newcombe about how America is paying a high price for forgetting God

***Here‘s a classic interview from Janet Parshall, talking with Mark Beliles and Jerry Newcombe about their book on Thomas Jefferson and his faith or the lack thereof, Doubting Thomas.

***Here’s a print article by Lynette Kittle for that mentions Providence Forum and Jerry Newcombe. (See points # 4 and 6).

***Here’s a short clip of Dr. Jerry Newcombe commenting on Thanksgiving in an interview by Dr. Tim Clinton for “Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson”

***Here’s a video review by a Baptist pastor on the book, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?, which includes some chapters on the Christian influence on the founding of America and American liberties. This book was written by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe and was published in 1994 by Thomas Nelson.

***Here‘s a classic interview of Jerry Newcombe by Kim Kennedy on radio as to how America has forgotten God—Jerry’s book is called “American Amnesia”

***Listen to Jerry Newcombe, along with John Aman, both of D. James Kennedy Ministries, as guests on Mark Taylor’s radio program on the subject of an over-reaching federal government. (Posted Oct. 2023)

***Listen to Jerry Newcombe as a guest of Carrie Abbot of the Legacy Institute on the subject of Providence and American History.

***Watch Jerry Newcombe on Virginia Prodan’s podcast on getting Americans to appreciate what we have in this country. Here is more information on this podcast.

***Listen to Jerry Newcombe on Jason Rapert’s program on “The Gender Delusion.”

***Listen to Dr. Robert J. Pacienza, president of D. James Kennedy Ministries, and Jerry Newcombe on Point of View discussing the hard-hitting program, “The Gender Delusion,” produced by D. James Kennedy Ministries.


***Watch a brand new TRAILER for “Endowed By Their Creator,” an episode in Jerry Newcombe’s 7-part series of one hour-long documentaries on America’s Judeo-Christian Christian roots.

***This is a recently discovered radio interview of Jerry Newcombe on the subject of his book, “American Amnesia.”

***Jerry Newcombe is a guest of Jason Rapert talking about God and country, including Thomas Jefferson.

***Here is a portion of Jerry Newcombe’s film, “Endowed By Their Creator,” on the contrast between the French and the American Revolutions, as seen on “Truths That Transform.”

***Jerry Newcombe and John Rabe, both of D. James Kennedy Ministries, appeared with Jason Bermas on American Media Periscope to discuss “Intolerant,” a TV-special on religious liberty.

***Jerry Newcombe was a guest on American Media Periscope with Jason Bermas on the subject of “Endowed By Their Creator.”

****Jerry Newcombe was a guest talking about America’s Christian Heritage on the “City of God” podcast with Dr. Robert J. Pacienza and John Rabe.

***Here is Gary Bauer interviewing me on Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson about “Endowed By Their Creator.”

*Watch a portion of ENDOWED on Truths That Transform—-what the founding fathers really had in mind.

*Here is a short trailer for Truths That Transform for July 2, 2023, which will include a segment on ENDOWED (produced by Jerry). In the trailer, this short segment (explaining some background information on the Declaration of Independence) comes after a brief clip from Dr. D. James Kennedy.

*You can watch a portion of Jerry Newcombe’s documentary “Endowed by Their Creator” here on the Truths That Transform television program, hosted by Dr. Robert J. Pacienza. This segment is called “A Wall of Separation.”

***Here is Roger Marsh interviewing Jerry Newcombe about “Endowed By Their Creator” and DJKM’s “Intolerant” (about attacks against religious liberty).

***Recently Gary Bauer interviewed Jerry Newcombe about “Endowed By Their Creator.”

***Listen to Jerry Newcombe being interviewed by Dan Elmendorf for Redeemer Broadcasting on “Endowed By Their Creator.”

***Hear Dr. Greg Seltz of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty interview Jerry Newcombe on the social impact of Jesus, including our freedoms in America.

***Jerry Newcombe spoke with Kerby Anderson on woke military on the radio.

***Jerry Newcombe was interviewed by Alex McFarland for an AFA radio show.

***Jerry Newcombe was interviewed by Alex McFarland on a call-in radio show.

***I was a guest of Sean Morgan who is “making sense of the madness” on American Media Periscope. Their first guest was Michael Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan, and then they featured me with portions of “Endowed by Their Creator.” You can view it HERE.

***On June 2, 2023, Jerry Newcombe was a guest for a 5 minute interview on Victory News on religious freedom. Jerry’s interview begins about 16:25 from the top.

***Jerry Newcombe was a guest on Truths That Transform (2022) for “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?”—a television program based on the book Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry wrote 30 years ago. This is Part 1 of the 2022 program. Here is Part 2. Here is a trailer of this 2022 special. Here is the classic version of our earlier version of a TV special based on the same book.

***Kerby Anderson interviews Jerry Newcombe in May 2023

***Alex McFarland interviews Jerry Newcombe on TV about George Washington

***I was a guest on Dr. James Dobson’s program with guest host Dr. Tim Clinton

***Watch Jerry on a TV interview on George Washington on the Schaftlein Report

***Dr. Michael Brown interviewed Jerry Newcombe on the radio

***Roger Marsh interviewed Jerry Newcombe on the radio (December 2022)

***Here’s a nearly 10 year old interview when I was a guest of Janet Parshall

***Jerry Newcombe was a guest of Abraham Hamilton III on AFA.

***Jerry Newcombe was a guest on Virginia Prodan’s program

***Jerry Newcombe was a guest of Charlie Kirk’s program

***Not a brand new interview, but Jerry Newcombe was a guest on Eric Metaxas’s radio show

***Not a brand new interview, but Jerry Newcombe on the radio discusses his book, “American Amnesia.”

***Watch an interview on CTVN with Jerry Newcombe re George Washington

***In May 2023, Jerry Newcombe was a guest of Dave on the Power Hour.”

***In April 2023, Jerry Newcombe was interviewed by Dr. Danny Yamashiro on his program, “The Good Life with Dr. Danny.” This was on the subject of George Washington’s faith. Hear it here.

***Roger Marsh spoke with Jerry Newcombe recently on the faith of George Washington. Hear it here.

***Alex McFarland on the Hamilton Corner on AFA radio interviewed Jerry Newcombe. Hear it here.

***Here is an old video of Jerry Newcombe saying a few words and a prayer in a 2014 Memorial Day ceremony in Ft. Lauderdale in 2014. What an honor.

***Here is a CBN video with different guests, including Jerry Newcombe, on America’s Christian roots.

***Here is a TV segment on CBN that includes Jerry Newconbe as a guest

***Watch a TV segment by Jerry Newcombe on the US Capitol Center

***Listen to Jerry as a guest on the Bible News Network

*Shayna Rattler: