SPLC Exposed—2018 Version of Our DJKM Special

What is hate and who gets to define it? One group, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has taken it upon itself to be the supposed monitor of hate in America. The problem is that they include in their hate map and hate profiles legitimate Christian ministries, right along side the KKK, skinheads, and neo-Nazis. So David Barton of WallBuilders is listed right before David Duke as an an alleged extremist of hate. At one time, Dr. Ben Carson was listed as a hater by the SPLC. Why? Because he doesn’t agree with same-sex marriage. This is awful. The SPLC, which may have done some good in the early days of its founding in 1971 to help combat racism, has clearly lost their way.

In 2017, D. James Kennedy Ministries exposed the SPLC in a special called “Profit$ of Hate.” Now, in 2018, the ministry has updated this special to included information on the lawsuit against the SPLC for calling D. James Kennedy Ministries a “hate” group….just because the ministry does not agree with the radical liberal agenda, e.g., same-sex marriage.

Here is the 2018 version of the DJKM special, exposing the SPLC:


Photo by Jerry Newcombe-SPLC headquarters in Montgomery, Alabama