Vocal Point-Jane Hampton Cook
Topic: Teaching Appreciation of America to the Next Generation. A recent poll found that only 38% of those surveyed said...
Topic: Teaching Appreciation of America to the Next Generation. A recent poll found that only 38% of those surveyed said...
Topic: Teaching Appreciation of America to the Next Generation. A recent poll found that only 38% of those surveyed said...
Topic: Religious Liberty at Risk. America for the most part was founded by Christians for religious liberty, which they then...
Topic: Bible-based Character Ed for School Children. For the first 200-300 years in America, the Bible in one way or...
In recent decades the quality of American education has plummeted. When you scan the headlines related to education, you realize...
Topic: The Battle Over Education. At one time, America’s education was a tremendous model for the world. But when the...
Topic: Bad Education. Founding father James Madison of Virginia, a key architect of the Constitution, said, “A well-instructed people alone...
Topic: America Christian Heritage. Does America have Christian roots and does it matter? Christian radio host Bob Dutko writes, we...
Topic: Homeschooling If America is ever going to get turned around, one of the key areas that needs to be...