Vocal Point-Dr. Richard Weikart
Topic: The Declaration Versus the Devaluing of Human Life. The founders of America said in our national birth certificate that...
Topic: The Declaration Versus the Devaluing of Human Life. The founders of America said in our national birth certificate that...
Topic: Abortion as a Supposed “Human Right.” The founders of America said our rights come from the Creator. That which...
Topic: Monkeypox. Is wokeness impacting even how we treat medical diseases? Monkeypox is a disease that has garnered headlines recently....
Topic: A Recent Important Legal Victory. Recently, the Alliance Defending Freedom sent out a press release, declaring, “Case closed: Catholic...
Healthcare reform in the US is a major 2020 election year issue. Health Rosetta, which was co-founded by author Dave...
Topic: Conscience Protections for Medical Personnel Should a pro-life doctor or nurse be forced, against conscience, to participate in abortion?...
Steve Moore Topic: Drug Prices/ the Economy Economist Steve Moore who has worked for both President Trump and President Reagan...
Many today are clamoring for “Medicare for All.” But is that really a good idea? Wesley J. Smith, a leading...
Topic: Measles and Vaccinations Recently, the LA Times reports (5/6/19): “More than 750 people have been diagnosed with measles in...