Vocal Point-Anne Edward
Topic: Ministering to Transgenders. Founding father John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It...
Topic: Ministering to Transgenders. Founding father John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It...
Topic: Increase in Young People Claiming to be LGBT+. Jeff Johnston of Focus on the Family notes that there is...
Who should be in charge of what children learn at school---the parents or the state? Florida is poised to pass...
Christians in a Cancel Culture Former homosexual activist and now Christian counselor and author, Joe Dallas, is swimming upstream. He...
Topic: Gay Adoption Focus on the Family notes, “Foster Crisis Won’t Improve Without Faith-Based Agencies.” The Colorado-based ministry observes: “Focus...
Topic: Homosexuality/Gender Confusion Stephen H. Black is a former homosexual, who has been out of the lifestyle since the early...
Topic: the Bible and Homosexuality Recently a beloved United Methodist Bishop made some attention-getting remarks about accepting homosexuals as they...
About 25 years ago, Anne Paulk was on the cover of NEWSWEEK magazine, with her then-husband, John. They were on...
Topic: Supreme Court Decision on Gay Issues Judicial Activism has reared its ugly head again in a Supreme Court decision,...