Vocal Point-Julio Gonzalez
Topic: Inflation. If you bring home the bacon, these days you’re going to have shell out more to do just...
Topic: Inflation. If you bring home the bacon, these days you’re going to have shell out more to do just...
Topic: Public School Exit. Dran Reese is the head of the Salt and Light Council out of southern California, and...
Topic: Concerned Parents: Mama Bears.” Focus on the Family writes, “Across America, the Mama Bear Movement is changing the political...
Topic: Jesus and Socialism. Despite its consistently abysmal track record, socialism has a lot of appeal among many Americans today....
Topic: Court packing. The founders clearly delineate the roles of the three branches of government in the Constitution. In Article...
Topic: America’s Christian Heritage. There is a war on history. There is a war on America as founded. But backing...
Topic: Who Controls Education---Parents or Schools? There have been many conflicts lately at school board meetings. Too many schools have...
Topic: Change for America. On Vocal Point, we neither endorse not oppose specific political candidates. Air Force Veteran and Congressional...
Topic: Dividing Americans According to Race Americans are divided according to race today in ways not seen in decades. Furthermore,...