Vocal Point-Mike Berry
Topic: Court Packing There is a move afoot on the part of the left to add seats to the Supreme...
Topic: Court Packing There is a move afoot on the part of the left to add seats to the Supreme...
Cancel culture has impacted so much of American life today. Sacred cows of yesteryear are now dismissed and canceled for...
Topic: Undercover Abortion Video Exposes From time to time, we bring updates on the David Daleiden story. Daleiden and his...
Topic: Report on Planned Parenthood Family Research Council has released its annual report on Planned Parenthood. It is entitled, “The...
Topic: Cancel Culture and Equality Act Recently Scott Powell of the Discovery Institute wrote an op-ed on the link between...
Topic: Media Coverage of Trump Former President Donald Trump spoke recently at the conservative conference, CPAC. Adam Weiss is a...
Topic: Blacks and Conservatives A. J. Swinson is the Chief of Staff of New Journey PAC, an organization founded by...
Topic: Is the Hyde Amendment “Racist”? Recently, Rev. Dean Nelson, the executive director of Human Life Coalition Action, wrote an...
Topic: Reparations Some on the left are calling for reparations. That means modern white Americans should pay modern black Americans...