Vocal Point-Denise Gitsham
Topics: Christians and Politics. We have often been told that politics and religion don’t mix. But is that true? In...
Topics: Christians and Politics. We have often been told that politics and religion don’t mix. But is that true? In...
Topic: Christians and Voting. Is faith to be banished from the public square? That’s a topic we often discuss. But...
Topics: Christians and Politics. We have often been told that politics and religion don’t mix. But is that true? In...
Topic: The Church and Politics. We hear so often today that the church and politics don’t mix. We do know...
Topic: Can Christians Impact Politics? Can Christians impact politics? Should Christians impact politics? There’s a new book out by Terri...
Topic: Can Christians Impact Politics? Can Christians impact politics? Should Christians impact politics? There’s a new book out by Terri...
Topic: Abortion Update. Our founders said that our rights come from the Creator—and the first of these rights is the...
Topic: Christians Getting Involved in Politics. Dr. D. James Kennedy, the ultimate founder of this radio outlet once said, “Religion...
Topic: America and Wokeism. America was founded on the premise of self-evident truths. The founders pledged to each other, with...