Vocal Point-Eric Scheidler
Eric Scheidler Eric Scheidler, the president of the Pro-Life Action League (based in the Chicago area), addresses a common myth...
Eric Scheidler Eric Scheidler, the president of the Pro-Life Action League (based in the Chicago area), addresses a common myth...
Eric Scheidler Eric Scheidler directs the pro-life action league, based in the Chicago area. He helped organize many pro-life rallies...
How do the voters feel about defunding Planned Parenthood? A new survey indicates that voters will reward GOP for defunding...
The pro-abortion rights advocates likes to claim that they want abortions to be “safe, legal, and rare.” I would note...
Public relations expert Tom Ciesielka explains six simple ways that we can share the pro-life message and potentially save babies....
California passed an onerous law that went into effect in 2016 against the 150 or so crisis pregnancy center ministries...
Writer Micaiah Bilger files reports with lifenews.com. She joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss a recent case out...
The recent defeat of the governor of North Carolina, after a long recount battle, has been interpreted as a defeat...
Pastor Stephen Broden is the pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship and is a member of the National Black Pro-Life...