Vocal Point-Chelsey Youman
Topic: Abortion vs. the Right to Life. Our founding fathers said that all people are created equal and have been...
Topic: Abortion vs. the Right to Life. Our founding fathers said that all people are created equal and have been...
Topic: The Overturning of “Roe.” America’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, says that the Creator has endowed us with...
Topic: Attacks Against Pro-lifers. The Constitution of the United States is predicated on the Declaration of Independence, which says our...
Topic: Attacks Against Pro-life Groups. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are...
Topic: A Pro-life Update. America’s founding document was radical in its day. It’s radical in our day. It declares that...
Topic: Assaults on Pro-Life Ministries. The Constitution of the United States is predicated on the Declaration of Independence, which says...
Topic: Prolife Update. Abortion is constantly in the news because it’s such an important topic. America’s founders said our first...
Topic: Protesting Chemical abortions. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by...
Topic: Does Abortion Hurt People? America’s founders said that our rights come from the Creator. But abortion undercuts the right...