Vocal Point-Chelsey Youman
Topic: Abortion and Elections. Abortion is an important issue in every election, including those coming soon at the time of...
Topic: Abortion and Elections. Abortion is an important issue in every election, including those coming soon at the time of...
Topic: Abortion as a Supposed “Human Right.” The founders of America said our rights come from the Creator. That which...
Topic: Attacks Against Pro-Life Centers. The rule of law was very important to the founders of America. In fact, because...
Topic: The Battle Over Abortion. The Declaration of Institute says that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable...
Topic: Crisis Pregnancy Centers Under Attack. We’ve seen recently an unprecedented number of attacks against crisis pregnancy centers, after the...
Topic: Why Be Prolife? If you looked at the news in the last few days, you would think that all...
Topic: The Supreme Court and Abortion In 1973, with a bang of gavel, seven men in black robes decreed abortion...
Topic: Attacks on Churches and Pro-Life Centers. “Following Politico’s report of a leaked draft opinion in the U.S. Supreme Court...
Topic: The Overturn of “Roe v. Wade.” Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life declared, “The Anti-life Tyranny of Roe v...