Vocal Point-Ted Baehr
Topic: Bad Faith on the Silver Screen. Did the founders create America as one nation under God or did they...
Topic: Bad Faith on the Silver Screen. Did the founders create America as one nation under God or did they...
Topic: Martin Luther, King, Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did a lot to try and get America to live...
Topic: Bad Education. Founding father James Madison of Virginia, a key architect of the Constitution, said, “A well-instructed people alone...
Topic: Critical Race Theory. Like many nations, America has a checkered past when it comes to race relations. However, in...
Topic: Abortion and Blacks. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, many on the left have been very concerned about abortion...
Topic: Critical Race Theory. When it comes to American history, yesterday’s heroes are often today’s villains. And often the issue...
Topic: Monkeypox. Is wokeness impacting even how we treat medical diseases? Monkeypox is a disease that has garnered headlines recently....
Topic: Whoopi Goldberg and the Holocaust. Whoopi Goldberg got in trouble last week for getting a major aspect of it...
Topic: Darwinian Racism. The Discovery Institute writes: “To hear some tell it, Adolf Hitler was a Christian creationist who rejected...