Vocal Point-Andrew McDiarmid
Topic: The Bias of Big Tech. Getting the word out is critical for freedom. One of the most consequential of...
Topic: The Bias of Big Tech. Getting the word out is critical for freedom. One of the most consequential of...
Topic: Free Speech and Christian Broadcasting and other concerns to the NRB. The First Amendment begins, “Congress shall make no...
Topic: Does Screen Time Undermine Americans’ Quality of Life? The founders of America spoke about “the pursuit of happiness,” which...
Topic: The Battle Over Free Speech. There is a battle over free speech in our time. It seems the left...
Topic: Big Tech’s Censorship of Opposition to the Trans Agenda. Recently, the American Principles Project, a conservative think tank in...
Topic: A Seattle Law that could Counter Big Tech Censorship John West of the Discovery Institute notes: “As state and...
Topic: Alternative to Big Tech Censorship A few years ago, entrepreneur David Lipsky was concerned by the growing censorship he...
Topic: Cancel Culture If we have cancel culture today, can Communism be far behind? Scott Powell of the Discovery Institute...
Topic: Suicide Suicide is on the rise. Focus on the Family is working to prevent them. Focus reports: “For several...